Cooking assistance/early shift/part-time work
Housework at home can be used at work ☆ 30's, 40's, 50's and seniors are active! ! Inexperienced welcome!
I would like to ask for general cooking assistance work at welfare facilities for the elderly. Specifically, the focus is on serving food and washing dishes, so there is no problem even if you have no cooking experience. It is a simple work that inexperienced people are welcome. We will leave it to you as soon as we can, so please feel free to apply.
(place of work)
Irise Funabashi Tsukada/10733
(Working days)・Time
5:30-11:30 (60 minute break)
6 hours a day, 3 days a week~
No qualification required
Inexperienced welcome
Freeters welcome
Housewives (husbands) welcome
Seniors welcome
People of all ages are active
Various staff are active, including housewives (househusbands) and freeters
vinegar. People of all ages are working, from people in their 40s and 50s to seniors
This is the workplace where I am. No experience or qualification required! !
You will gain the experience of being able to sit down and work for a long time.
Great privacy
This is a great job for those who like to work early in the morning or late at night. Use your free time to enhance your private life, such as "work in the morning and do double work in the evening" or "work in the evening and spend time on your hobbies in the morning". is possible. Work-life balance is in place because you can take desired days off♪
Reliable treatment and benefits
We offer a full range of treatment and system support so that even part-time workers can work with peace of mind. There is also a raise, and transportation expenses are paid by regulation. The early shift includes a nice meal. We will lend you a uniform. There are also discounts for HITOWA Group's own services. Currently, middle-aged and older people are also active. Househusbands and housewives (househusbands) are welcome, so please contact us after applying to work as a dependent.
HITOWA Food Service
HITOWA Food Service is a member of the HITOWA Holdings Group. The group is developing businesses that are closely related to daily life, such as nursing care, childcare, franchise business, human resource services, and food services. We will continue to grow further in the future by increasing the number of offices and the sales of the entire group.
嘉村 浩
東京都港区港南二丁目15番3号 品川インターシティC棟(受付15階)